Kelp Blend – Animal Supplement
The benefits of Kelp Blend as feed supplement helps increase the utilisation of all the ingredients in the complete feed ration, improving the overall health and performance of animals.
Blend-2mm to 4mm
Blend is dehydrated Bull Kelp. Blend is an effective way to provide animals with a naturally balanced feed supplement supplying the necessary elements for healthy stock. Kelp Blend contains minerals, vitamins including Carotene, Tocopherol and folic acid, valuable carbohydrates including Alginic acid, Laminarin and Mannitol, as well as a full range of amino acids.
The benefits of Kelp Blend as feed supplement helps increase the utilisation of all the ingredients in the complete feed ration, improving the overall health and performance of animals.
Available in: 4kg Buckets, 25kg Bags, 1 Tonne Bags
Certified Organic 100% natural product

Benefits of Kelp Blend - Animal Supplement
Dairy and Beef Cattle
Dairy Cattle
Beef Cattle
Kelp Will Help
Intensive farming practices today often result in problems with soil structure and trace element deficiencies. The productivity of farm land and nutritional value of pasture and crops are reduced. In many cases lush and otherwise nutritious pasture containing adequate NPK may fail to supply the needs of livestock because certain trace elements are missing. Plants and animals have finely balanced needs for trace elements; too little produces deficiency symptoms, too much may be to toxic. These problems can be avoided by using kelp as the source either as granulated kelp on soil or kelp meal as a feed supplement because kelp provides trace elements in a naturally balanced form.
Storm cast Bull kelp (Durvillea Potatorum) is collected fresh on Tasmania’s unpolluted west coast. Dried Processed and sold by Marrawah Kelp Pty Ltd a locally owned company. The company sells dehydrated granulated Kelp (size 4-6mm) for use on soils and Kelp Blend (size 2-4mm) – as a natural feed additive.
Bull kelp contains all macro and micro-nutrients place trace elements and growth hormones all in a natural form. Kelp use on soil enhances germination of seed, increases the uptake of nutrients, improves frost resistance, inhibits insect and soil nematodes attack. Kelp improves soil structure and increases soil water holding capacity.