High Seas Liquid Kelp Extract
Bull kelp (Durvillea Potatorum) has been used as a rich source of organic plant nutrients for centuries. Bull kelp contains numerous minerals and every essential trace element, simple and complex carbohydrates and a number of plant growth hormones.

High Seas Liquid Kelp Extract
Bull kelp (Durvillea Potatorum) has been used as a rich source of organic plant nutrients for centuries. Bull kelp contains numerous minerals and every essential trace element, simple and complex carbohydrates and a number of plant growth hormones.
High Seas Liquid Kelp Extract is made from bull kelp collected from the West Coast of Tasmania. The kelp grows in some of the cleanest seawater in the world. The kelp is processed to release the nutrients and provide a solution that is suitable, when diluted, for foliar spraying, fertigation or direct soil application. This process is designed to maximise the amount of nutrients and plant growth regulators and the break down process is carefully controlled. The process does not involve long periods of fermentation or high pressures, both of which have the potential to break down valuable plant growth regulators (plant hormones)
Bull kelp does not have the rigid plant structure of land plants. This is because the cellulose of land plants is replaced by alginates. Alginates are broken down much more easily than cellulose. When Bull kelp decomposes the alginate is broken down. In the High Seas Liquid Extract the extraction process replaces the slower decomposition process. This makes the nutrients in the kelp available without the time lag of the natural decomposition process.
Extensive research, both in Australia and overseas has shown that kelp can enhance root development and uptake of nutrients locked up in the soil, enhance germination, imparts a degree of drought and frost resistance and general improve plant health. Research all around the world has shown that such effects can be obtained from Australian Bull Kelp Extracts.
All the kelp used in High Seas Liquid Kelp Extract is Durvillea Potatorum (commonly referred to as Bull Kelp)
Available in: 5L, 20L, 100L, 200L, 1000L
Application rates for High seas Liquid Kelp Extract
10 L/ha in 2 applications autumn and spring or spray at 100/1 monthly
5 L/ha 100/1 every 3 weeks after early leaf stage
Apply at 100/1 every 2-3 weeks
Apply early morning or late afternoon. Best results after rain
Kelp Will Help
Intensive farming practices today often result in problems with soil structure and trace element deficiencies. The productivity of farm land and nutritional value of pasture and crops are reduced. In many cases lush and otherwise nutritious pasture containing adequate NPK may fail to supply the needs of livestock because certain trace elements are missing. Plants and animals have finely balanced needs for trace elements; too little produces deficiency symptoms, too much may be to toxic. These problems can be avoided by using kelp as the source either as granulated kelp on soil or kelp meal as a feed supplement because kelp provides trace elements in a naturally balanced form.
Storm cast Bull kelp (Durvillea Potatorum) is collected fresh on Tasmania’s unpolluted west coast. Dried Processed and sold by Marrawah Kelp Pty Ltd a locally owned company. The company sells dehydrated granulated Kelp (size 4-6mm) for use on soils and Kelp Blend (size 2-4mm) – as a natural feed additive.
Bull kelp contains all macro and micro-nutrients place trace elements and growth hormones all in a natural form. Kelp use on soil enhances germination of seed, increases the uptake of nutrients, improves frost resistance, inhibits insect and soil nematodes attack. Kelp improves soil structure and increases soil water holding capacity.